Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hey everyone. My name is Megan Robertson. I am a Business Major, Political Science Minor on the Pre-Law track. I worked at the District Attorney’s Office over the summer and someday I hope to become a lawyer. I am from San Diego, California and if anyone is familiar with the San Diego area, I live in Ramona. It’s about forty-five minutes northeast of downtown up in the hills overlooking San Diego. Everyone always asks me if I go to the beach all the time because I live in Southern California, but the truth is that I’m actually not a beach type person. I go every once in a while whenever there is a birthday party being hosted there or when I go bike riding on the boardwalk or other activities like those. But honestly, I am much more of a lake or river person. During the summer, I like to take a boat out and go wakeboarding or waterskiing with my family and friends. But when it’s winter I love to go snowboarding as much as possible.  And since during the two truths and a lie game I said that I went scuba diving over the summer, I’ll explain by saying that I am a certified scuba diver and it is something that I love because it is both exciting and calming at the same time. And because practically everyone else already mentioned how many siblings they have, I might as well tell you all that I have one younger sister named Natalie.

I want to be a lawyer when I grow up, maybe a Prosecutor, so arguing and debating is not exactly new to me. Junior year of High School we had a mock trial in our U.S. History class based on the catastrophic event of the atomic bombs being dropped at the end of World War II. We had students acting as witnesses, attorneys, a judge and a jury. Not surprisingly, I volunteered to be the attorney for my side of the case which was assigned to me to be the pro side. During this experience I learned that to have an effective argument, you need to have done your research ahead of time and know your information very well. You need to be prepared to defend your side of the argument as well as how to intelligently question the opposing sides’ without the debate becoming hostile. I learned that there are ways to debate where you can still be respectful of the other person’s opinion without having to change your own opinion. To me, that is what makes debating and arguing so much fun, you get to share your opinion with others while learning what those other people believe also, therefore broadening your scope on the topic. My team won in the mock trial because we were well prepared, we enjoyed what we were doing, and we were interested in what we were learning in the process. I believe my team and I were successful, not only because we won, but because we learned so much about the topic of our debate and about how to debate in general.